Kunzea Ambigua (poverty bush or tick bush) is a type of small plant that is commonly found in Tasmania. It grows up to 5 meters long and has a distinctly small white flower that blooms in spring. In gardening its one of those plants that are common in any household since it keeps the insects at bay. And although that is the case, there is more to that plant than just gardening.

This is where Kunzea oil comes into the picture. A topical medicine preparation that is widely used externally as an anti-inflammatory and pain medicine. Every country has its own pain medicine concoction and in Australia there are many and one of the popular ones is the Kunzea oil. If you wish to know more about the plant and its medicinal properties, read further below.

What does Kunzea oil do? Kunzea oil has two main properties that people love. Since it’s pretty effective and takes effect within seconds. Its unique earthy and herbal aroma is already a bonus that adds more therapeutic effect since it’s known as a stress reliever and anti-anxiety. Aside from its notable uses its also good for arthritis and dry and red skin. As

an added bonus, it also doesn’t have any known side effects.

Kunzea oil preparation: there are many preparations for kunzea based on its applications. For Kunzea oil, it’s a topical preparation. It’s effective since its in oil form and its concentrated. It can be absorbed in the skin and won’t easily wear off. Giving a good and long-lasting effect. Just make sure that the site of the application doesn’t have any skin breaks or wounds.

The dosage: Is there a dosage for the proper application of Kunzea oil? It doesn’t have any and since it’s in oil form, people will be smarter not to put too much oil on their body aside from the affected area. Since its a concentrated medicine you can expect that even a small portion can be good enough for the most part. Although most experts would suggest that it should be applied twice a day and once at bedtime. But of course, seeking expert advice is still highly advisable since it can potentially vary especially if its for a long term treatment medication. Although there is no known side effect that Kunzea has, it’s still a costly out to waste.

Kunzea oil is a popular medicinal herb. It’s used mainly as a remedy for pain and treatment of inflammation and it’s good at it as well too. There is a movement in promoting the all-natural remedy and there’s a good reason why. It’s not just because of natural pride or cultural significance, but also because it has lesser risks to take and better for long term use as well. So if that got you interested, there is a good kunzea & pure essential oil online store that you should definitely check out.