If you have just been told that you will need an IV treatment and are unsure of what it is then you can rest assured that you do not have anything to worry about. IV treatment is an exceptionally common procedure which occurs every day in hospitals across the world. It is even possible to administer an IV treatment at your own home; this is usually completed by a nurse but it is possible to self-administer.

Basically, any injection of fluid into your veins is an IV treatment. IV, also known as Intravenous, simply means within vein. Of course, to qualify as a treatment it must be beneficial in nature. Once you realize that this is all IV treatment is you can start to relax.

There are numerous occasions when an IV treatment is the best or only way to get the essential nutrients into your body:

  • Rehydration – if you body is dehydrated for any reason then you will need to absorb fluids quickly. Drinking water is not a fast and effective method of getting water into your body. It will also not provide you with all the electrolytes and nutrients which your body will be craving. However, if you receive fluids via IV treatment you will be able to absorb the fluids much faster and start feeling better quicker.
  • Blood loss – this can be the result of a serious trauma, injury or even connected with an illness. Once your body starts to lose excessive amounts of blood you will feel lightheaded and disorientated. In addition the lack of blood will result in less oxygen and nutrients available to your muscles. You may find some of your functions stop working. A blood transfusion is performed via IV treatment and can literally save your life.


The process of having IV treatment is surprisingly simple. A medical professional will confirm you are not allergic to the medication you are about to receive. You will then have a needle placed into your arm, or leg and the liquid will be allowed to pass through from the attached bag. It is virtually painless and can provide instant results!

It is possible to use a deeper vein, closer to the heart. This involves putting a line deep into your body, ideally near the heart. This line can even be left in place to make it easier for repeat IV treatments to be undertaken.

This type of treatment is commonly performed and has very few downsides. These do include the risk of a medication already being taken mixing with the IV treatment to create an issue. This could range from the drug being ineffective to a host of other side effects. It is best to check before changing your medication!

It is possible that the IV treatment can move so quickly through your blood stream that it can overrun the red blood cells in your system. If this happens there are treatments to resolve the issue.

IV treatments offer a fast and safe way to deal with a huge variety of illness and other issues. It is essential to try this technique first if possible.