There are many kinds of exercise that focus on different aspects of the body. Exercises can build muscle, build aerobic capability, or both. In many cases, they tend to do both, but the focus can change. Exercises that are too intense for catching your breath are called anaerobic exercises because they occur without air. Those types of exercises include sprinting and high intensity weightlifting. Aerobic exercises are those that are moderate enough for a person in good shape to catch his or her breath as they work out, which usually distance running, yoga, and some similar kinds of exercises. If you’re looking for a low-impact aerobic exercise, Pilates is a good choice.
What Is Pilates?
Pilates was developed by a German scientist named Joseph Pilates. He was seeking to develop an exercise and stretching regimen to strengthen the mind and body. He believed that the mind and the body were connected very closely, therefore, an exercise that could emphasise that connection would be one of the best kinds of exercise. As a result, Pilates developed a system of exercise that is based on stretching and being mindful of your body’s position. In many ways, it is similar to yoga, but the exercises are specific to Pilates.
Though often rumoured, it is untrue that Pilates studied yoga. He developed the positions based on his own research. Since so many of them are similar to yoga positions, it serves as proof that the positions are universally beneficial. They developed in several different exercise systems independent of one another. A Breathe Education Pilates course can walk you through these positions.
Who Benefits?
Everyone can benefit from Pilates. However, it is especially great for those who have musculoskeletal pain and stiffness. Many doctors and therapists recommend Pilates to deal with back pain. Specifically, lower back pain can be targeted and treated with certain Pilates positions. Since the positions are based largely on body weight and expertise, they can be scaled up or down depending on your level of strength and expertise. Such positions makes them perfect for elderly participants and those recovering from injury.
They can be altered to conform to the needs of the participant. They’re also low-impact exercises. Exercises can be categorised based on how much stress they place on your joints. Running, for example, is a high-impact exercise because each stride puts a lot of stress on your knees and hips. Alternately, Pilates is a low-impact exercise. You do not apply direct impact stress to your joints when you’re doing Pilates.
This lack of stress will reduce the chances of reinjury for those who have joint pain. Lastly, Pilates is great for anyone who wants to get into shape while increasing their mindfulness.
Mindfulness is the practice of being aware of your body as well as your own thoughts. Pilates offers a quiet, reflective opportunity to increase your awareness of yourself. Such an increase is called mindfulness. Research has shown that mindfulness practice can increase quality of life. Overall, Pilates decreases stress and increases physical fitness, and is great for your mind as well as your body.