The use of essential oils dates back to many centuries. Essential oils are created by water distillation of the petals, leaves, needles, bark, wood, buds, or roots of aromatic botanicals, like rosemary, rose, lavender, cypress, and peppermint. Though most of the essential oils happen to be either water or hydro distilled, yet citrus essential oils are steam distilled or cold pressed. However, aromatic oils which aren’t particularly created by either hydrodistillation or steam aren’t viewed as an essential oil. There are many botanical and aromatic constituents and oils which can be utilized in combination with essential oils.

Essential oils happen to be highly concentrated. Though they smell wonderful and are natural, yet it becomes important to learn everything about the safety of essential oils. The best essential oils are highly effective and beneficial but you must use them carefully and certainly with realistic expectations. When you use them improperly, then these oils can turn harmful. Actually, contrary to the word “oil” essential oils don’t have an oily feeling to them. The majority of the essential oils happen to be clear, but a few oils, like patchouli, blue tansy, orange plus lemongrass are yellow, amber, dark blue, or green in color.

General rules of using essential oils

For incorporating essential oils safely into your regular life, you must consider some top tips and they are:

  • Dilute the oil – You must never put undiluted oil on your skin as it can give rise to allergic reactions and sensitization. So, always dilute essential oils with carrier oil instead of water or a non-oil-based liquid.
  • More isn’t better – At times, lay practitioners and marketers claim that essential oils are harmless as they emerge from nature. However, these compounds happen to be highly concentrated extracts as they are more active.
  • It pays for investing – When the matter comes to essential oils, then price always does reflect quality.
  • Examine the purity of your oil –You must always examine an essential oil’s quality and you can do this by putting a drop on one piece of white computer paper. If you notice grease stain after a day, you can make out that the oil has been cut with some carrier oil. But, when the oil will be pure, then it will evaporate.
  • Choose organic – Organic oils will not expose a person to the herbicides and pesticides that are utilized in the conventional growing process. Now, if you are still surrounded by concerns, then you can have independent laboratory assessments.

Some important essential oils

  • Lemon oil – This oil is used in all types of commercially obtainable products. This oil is a potent antibacterial, antiseptic, and astringent agent. It is also one of the finest essential oils for skin due to its high D-limonene concentration.
  • Cinnamon oil – This oil is spicy, sweet, warm, and musky and it invokes a mixture of cozy familiarity and sexy exoticness.
  • Lemongrass oil – This oil is used in Indian healing customs for treating maladies, such as fever and gastrointestinal issues.
  • Lavender oil – This oil is a powerhouse essential oil as lavender is antispasmodic, sedative, antimicrobial, anti-anxiety, antibacterial, immune-boosting, anesthetic, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory.